I believe that Glenn Beck is a true citizen journalist. Beck does not have a degree from Harvard or Columbia's prestigious journalism school, so how is it that he has broken more news in the past three years than ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, and MSNBC combined?
By asking questions, that most of Americans are asking for which the elites in Gov't and Media don't want us to ask. As Walter Cronkite said, "I don't report the news, I makes the news" [paraphrasing].
When Glenn started on TV in 2006 on CNN Headline News (not a conservative network by any means), he wasn't railing against Barack Obama, he was railing against George W. Bush and the liberals in Congress. Glenn enthusiastically supported Bush for re-election in 2004 as being the better of two bad candidates. Bush did protect us on 9/11 as he said he would and had the creditability that if re-elected he would continue to do so. Up until 2004, he was pushing a semi-Conservative agenda.
But then Bush started changing after 2004, and he started expanding the Government's control over everything. On the one issue where Bush had the most support, the War on Terror, he betrayed the people. How does one betray the people while fighting two wars? By leaving the homeland unprotected while you are doing it. If you are going to protect the country and get the support of Congress, who passed a bill to build a fence on our southern border, you don't work against the people and the law by ensuring a fence never gets built.
Beck railed on Bush and Johnny Sutton almost daily on the fact that the Border Fence was not being funded or built when Bush could have cut the bureaucratic red-tape to get it done. Meanwhile an Attorney General he appointed puts in jail two Border Patrol Agents who were protecting us from Drug Runners, not the nicest people in the world, because one of them shot a drug runner in the but. The State of Texas' star witness against the Border Patrol was a known drug runner who was bringing drugs into this country after Sutton gave him a free pass to cross the border at will. Sutton made sure that the Jury didn't know that this fine upstanding individual had just been arrested, again, for bring in a truckload of Marijuana into the country.
In the old west, when the patriarch got up a posse to hunt down the marauding indians, they didn't leave their wives and children home alone with unlocked and unbarred windows. No, they "battened down the hatches" and left them weapons to shoot anyboy attempting to enter that was not known to them.
If the border issue wasn't bad enough, Bush was supporting legalizing the Illegals who are here now. Bush also stopped the raids being conducted by ICE when they were proving successful, because we certainly cannot have a Gov't agency be good at what they're supposed to do. This proposed Amnesty caused more illegals to cross our porous southern border, as many as 10,000 daily.
Now Beck is on Fox News and Obama is in the White House and Beck is still asking questions. Why can't we call Obama a Marxist when all of his dear friends and advisers or Marxist and Communists? Van Jones, anyone? There are at least two more openly Communist Czars in Obama's Administration and probably many more Communists who are not open and honest about it.
Argue all you want about Beck the Conservative, but you can't argue the facts. The facts are still the facts. I know Glenn Beck will keep asking questions and Arguing with Idiots as long as it is still free to do so, which may not be for that much longer.
Saturday, September 12, 2009
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